Tuesday 19 March 2013

Whole Earth Healing Through Meditation


Preparation for Practice
Take several centering breaths.We recommend you start each session with a healing affirmation and close by giving thanks. 

"We unite with each other in love, as together we come into complete harmony with Divine Being.
With humility and gratitude, we build this network of light to serve the highest good of all concerned.
We pray for healing and awakening for ourselves and our world, so that we may learn to trust unconditionally in Divine nurturance and act with compassion in all we do.
We give thanks for the blessings and assistance of Divine Grace and the highest and most holy spiritual guides. So Be It."

Hold your hands in prayer if you wish. This is very centering.
To add depth to your meditation and healing practices, visualize yourself connected to a field of love and light within, above and about our earth. 
Intend that you may send energy to a healing focus. Visualize a field of light and love about yourself and flowing from yourself to a healing subject. Do this for several moments. Then rest in the glow of this light.
Healing Practices
As you send healing energy intend to unite the whole earth in love.
Visualize a field of Divine Light around our globe. You can focus on the photo above (and enlarge it by clicking on it). Feel the light flow to the photo. Feel how that flow simultaneously surrounds you and comes to you from all directions as you send it.
As you take part in this healing, notice if you feel a sense of wholeness within yourself as well.
For a longer practice, you can meditate on light filling your self. Then in your mind's eye, travel, seeing:

Light filling your room.
Filling your neighborhood.
Light in your community.
Then your bioregion.
Then your continent and soon the globe.

Going up, see the beautiful earth.
The moon.
The brilliant sun.
Light through the moon and earth.
Surrounded and suffused with peace and love and light.


Rest radiant in this global love and light.

Then come back down slowly.
Light and love in the sky.
Light over and through your continent.
Your community.
Your room.
Light in your self.
Know that peace and love surround and fill the earth and all its beings.
All are one in love and light
So Be It.

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