Friday 22 February 2013

Introduction to Reiki

What is Reiki?

             Rei 霊                                                           ki 気 
                                                                                                                                               (also known as qi or ch'i)
(spirit, gas, vital energy, breath of life, consciousness)               (spiritual energy; vital energy;                 
                                                                                                     life force; energy of life)

Reiki works on the basic principle that the space surrounding us is filled with energy (examples of other invisible energy are radio waves, phone signal, wifi etc). This energy occurs naturally - literally a life source, known as ether.  Reiki practitioners are attuned into these energy frequencies and are able to channel them through their bodies down through their head, or crown chakra and out of their hands to heal others.

Every living creature and object (including the earth itself) has a magnetic energy field that flows through it and surrounds it. The energy flows in a vortex in and around the body - also known as the aura. It passes through and out of 7 vital energy centres known as chakras. Most physical, emotional and unconscious ailments are a result of blockages in our bodys energy flow.  

What To Expect During a Healing Session

Reiki treatments take place fully clothed, either led on a comfortable surface or seated in a chair. Sessions lasts between 30 to 60 minutes and often a few sessions are required, however for chronic conditions longer term treatment may be considered. 

Different peoples experiences vary – but generally receiving energy healing feels like warm, gentle sunshine as it flows through you, surrounds you and comforts you. Some feel a sense of euphoria, extreme relaxation, a sense of well being and purpose that you may not have felt for some time. Whereas, you may feel a peaceful serenity or you might find yourself reflective and introspective.  

Reiki re-balances you, and your energy flow. Patients often find themselves with a more positive outlook on life and it’s hurdles as well as improvements in physical symptoms. It touches your physical, emotional and spiritual levels. It is simple, natural and safe, not connected to any religious practice or belief.

As a result, Reiki can be used as a complimentary therapy alongside western medicine to help cope with conditions such as:

Heart Disease
Chronic pain
Neurodegenerative disorders
Autism/developmental delays
Crohn’s Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Traumatic brain injury
Sleep problems / Insomnia
Digestion problems
Low self-esteem
Substance abuse recovery
Surgical recovery
Relationship problems

The reported benefits of receiving Reiki treatments help with the following:

Pain relief
Reduced anxiety
Reduced depression
Increased Sleep
Improved Digestion
General improved well-being
Increased Self-esteem
Accelerated surgical recovery
Reduced side effects from radiation, chemotherapy 
Greater self awareness
Help with relationship problems
Heightened intuition

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