Friday 29 March 2013

Introduction to the Chakras


The earliest written account of the Chakras are believed to be part of the Vedas, an old written tradition in Indian said to have originated between 2,000 - 6,000 B.C. and started by the Indo-European invaders of India known as the Arians. 

Generally speaking, Chakras are accepted in the east and are incorporated into many of the eastern healing methods. The acceptance of energy pathways, or meridians throughout the body enables treatments such as acupuncture, reflexology and Indian head massage to be understood and used in everyday healing. Unfortunately, however, it is not so readily recognized in the west.  In fact it is not so uncommon to be greeted with a look of absolute incomprehension at the very mention of the word, followed by a look of utter scepticism and confusion when attempting to explain their existence let alone their purpose.  

We all seek freedom, and interestingly it is ignorance that keeps us confined to a mundane dysfunctional life, and truth that can set us free. Humans have a wonderful ability to rationalise and understand the existence of ‘things’. Everyone has the ability to develop a higher state of being but it is not yet a reality for most people.  In order to develop this higher state of mind we must first accept that it exists, enabling us to move past this primative existence and opening our eyes to the wonderful life we have in and around us.  Understanding the importance of colour and frequency, and how to incorporate all these things into our lives to deal with the hurdles presented to us.

Within our body there are 7 energy centers known as chakras.  Each one of these is connected to certain parts of the body on a spiritual, emotional and physical level.  Some people claim there are also other subsidiary ones too. In an ideal world these chakras would be fully open with free flowing energy passing through them in a vortex in and around us.  Modern physiology shows us that these 7 Chakras correspond directly to the 7 main nerve ganglia, emanating from the spinal column. Modern science has not gone much further than this – possibly because the chakras are not found on the physical body but the etheric.

Having said that…it is possible that modern science hasn’t found the chakras because they have not been looking at the right place. In 2007, a book was published entitled ‘The Body has a Mind of its Own’ (by Sandra and Mathew Blakeslee). In this book, they traced the history of “body maps” from the time of neuro-scientist Alfred Penfield. Penfield effectively identified the functions of specific parts of the brain that control our bodies. He called this body map ‘The Humunculus”. 

The diagram below is purposely out of proportion, however in proportion with the number of sensory  connections to the brain. Certain parts of our body are more sensitive than others and therefore are depicted with a larger surface area in the diagram below. If you draw a person with these distortions you ge the homunculus below: 

If you were to overlay a diagram of the chakras on the human brain you find a surprising match. The amazing coincidence is that, not only are the parts of the brain consistent with the thought processes of the chakra groupings, they are also the exact anatomical equivalents of the human body as found in the table below.

Solar Plexus
Third Eye
Lower Abdomen
Solar Plexus
Centre of Chest
Top of Head
Survival, Vitality, Reality, Grounding, Security, Support, Stability, Sexuality, Individuality, Courage, Impulsiveness
Feelings, Emotions, Intimacy, Procreation, Polarity, Sensuality, Confidence, Sociability, Freedom, Movement
Personal Power, Will, Knowledge, Wit, Laughter, Mental Clarity, Humor, Optimism, Self-Control, Curiosity, Awareness
Relationships, Love, Acceptance, Self-Control, Compassion, Guilt, Forgiveness, Harmony, Peace, Renewal, Growth
Communication, Wisdom, Speech, Trust, Creative Expression, Planning, Spatial, Organization, Caution
Intuition, Invention, Psychic Abilities, Self Realization, Perception, Release, Understanding, Memory, Fearlessness
Knowingness, Wisdom, Inspiration, Charisma, Awareness, Higher Self, Meditation, Self Sacrificing, Visionary
Emotions, Desires
Purpose, Sunshine
Balance, Love
Expansion, Healing
Imagination, Intuition
Bliss, Spirituality
Body Parts
Spine (Chi, Life Force) Legs, Feet, Bones, Teeth, Large Intestines, Prostate, Bladder, Blood, Circulation, Tailbone
Ovaries, Testes, Womb, Kidneys, Urinary Tract, Skin, Spleen, Gallbladder, Recharges Etheric Body/Aura
Digestion, Liver, Stomach, Diaphragm, Nervous System, Pancreas Metabolism, Small Intestines
Lungs, Heart, Bronchia,Thymus Gland, Arms, Hands, Respiratory, Hypertension, Muscles
Throat, Vocal System, Mouth, Jaw, Parathyroid, Tongue, Neck, Shoulders, Lymphs (Perspiration), Atlas, Menstrual Cycle
Eyes, Nose, Ears, Sinuses, Cerebellum, Pineal, Forebrain, Autonomic Nervous System, Heals Etheric Body/Aura
Upper brain, Cerebral Cortex, Cerebrum, Pituitary, Central Nervous System, Hair Growth, Top of Head
Anemia, Fatigue, Obesity, Anus, Rectum (hemorrhoids), Constipation, Colds, Body Temperature, Bladder Infection, Rebuilds Blood Cells & Haemoglobin, Sciatic, Numbness, Leukemia
Impotence, Frigidity, Ovaries, Uterine Problems, Candida, Eating Disorders, Drug Use, Depression, Alcoholism, Polarity Imbalances, Gout, Allergies, Asthma (Oxygen Deficiencies)
Ulcers, Diabetes, Hepatitis, Hypoglycemia, Blood Sugar Disorders, Constipation, Nervousness, Timidity, Addictions to Stimulants, Parasites & Worms, Toxicity, Jaundice, Poor Memory
High Blood Pressure, Passiveness, Lethargy, Asthma, Immune System, Breathing Difficulties, Pneumonia, Emphysema, Cell Growth, Muscle Tension, Heart Problems, Chest Pain
Thyroid, Flu, Fevers, Blisters, Infections, Herpes, Itching, Sores, Tonsillitis, Toothaches, OCD, Speech Disorders, TMJ, Hyperactivity, Melancholy, Hormonal Problems, Swelling, Hiccups, PMS, Mood Swings
Blindness, Vision, Headaches, Migraines, Earaches, Nightmares, Sleep Disorders,Fear, Manic Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, Paranoia, Equilibrium Imbalances
Depression, Alienation, Mental Illness, Neuralgia, Confusion, Senility, Veins, Blood Vessels, Lymphatic System, Bacteria, Warts, Skin Rashes, Eczema

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Whole Earth Healing Through Meditation


Preparation for Practice
Take several centering breaths.We recommend you start each session with a healing affirmation and close by giving thanks. 

"We unite with each other in love, as together we come into complete harmony with Divine Being.
With humility and gratitude, we build this network of light to serve the highest good of all concerned.
We pray for healing and awakening for ourselves and our world, so that we may learn to trust unconditionally in Divine nurturance and act with compassion in all we do.
We give thanks for the blessings and assistance of Divine Grace and the highest and most holy spiritual guides. So Be It."

Hold your hands in prayer if you wish. This is very centering.
To add depth to your meditation and healing practices, visualize yourself connected to a field of love and light within, above and about our earth. 
Intend that you may send energy to a healing focus. Visualize a field of light and love about yourself and flowing from yourself to a healing subject. Do this for several moments. Then rest in the glow of this light.
Healing Practices
As you send healing energy intend to unite the whole earth in love.
Visualize a field of Divine Light around our globe. You can focus on the photo above (and enlarge it by clicking on it). Feel the light flow to the photo. Feel how that flow simultaneously surrounds you and comes to you from all directions as you send it.
As you take part in this healing, notice if you feel a sense of wholeness within yourself as well.
For a longer practice, you can meditate on light filling your self. Then in your mind's eye, travel, seeing:

Light filling your room.
Filling your neighborhood.
Light in your community.
Then your bioregion.
Then your continent and soon the globe.

Going up, see the beautiful earth.
The moon.
The brilliant sun.
Light through the moon and earth.
Surrounded and suffused with peace and love and light.


Rest radiant in this global love and light.

Then come back down slowly.
Light and love in the sky.
Light over and through your continent.
Your community.
Your room.
Light in your self.
Know that peace and love surround and fill the earth and all its beings.
All are one in love and light
So Be It.